Free Maps of France

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Towns in France

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
La Buisse village281445.3333025.620314 Map 
La Cadière-d'Azur village538543.1960035.754975 Map 
La Canourgue village212044.4316443.214491 Map 
La Celle-Saint-Cloud town2097148.8478012.144186 Map 
La Chaize-le-Vicomte village341446.672207-1.296812 Map 
La Chapelle-Basse-Mer village519547.271851-1.338009 Map 
La Chapelle-d'Armentières village825950.6656002.896670 Map 
La Chapelle-de-Guinchay village374646.2193984.762497 Map 
La Chapelle-des-Fougeretz village394448.178028-1.734115 Map 
La Chapelle-des-Marais village377247.447262-2.240914 Map 
La Chapelle-en-Serval village291449.1220022.527750 Map 
La Chapelle-Heulin village304547.176010-1.340429 Map 
La Chapelle-la-Reine village259648.3163682.568497 Map 
La Chapelle-Launay village277847.371986-1.971704 Map 
La Chapelle-Saint-Aubin village213848.0341340.160063 Map 
La Chapelle-Saint-Luc town1322848.3185464.041309 Map 
La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin village965847.8890001.829695 Map 
La Chapelle-Saint-Ursin village320047.0632592.320887 Map 
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre town1730047.299686-1.551863 Map 
La Charité-sur-Loire village512947.1793253.018578 Map 
La Châtaigneraie village269146.650002-0.739167 Map 
La Châtre town450046.5815701.989229 Map 
La Chaussée-Saint-Victor village423047.6095161.358754 Map 
La Chevrolière village501747.093655-1.611784 Map 
La Ciotat town3382943.1758585.606249 Map 

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