Free Maps of Great Britain

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Towns in Great Britain

Table of towns in Great Britain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Pershore town700052.109699-2.075476 Map 
Perth city4500056.395641-3.434533 Map 
Peterborough city18360052.573887-0.241670 Map 
Peterhead town1750057.506859-1.783075 Map 
Peterlee town2016454.761890-1.332152 Map 
Phillack village150050.194633-5.419305 Map 
Pickering town727054.246590-0.776146 Map 
Pitmedden village113757.338497-2.182409 Map 
Plymouth city25870050.371265-4.142566 Map 
Polmont town532055.990589-3.707459 Map 
Polruan villageSouth West England61450.328602-4.634576 Map 
Pontypool town2833451.702656-3.032751 Map 
Pontypridd town3045751.599281-3.341639 Map 
Poole town14760050.717945-1.981521 Map 
Port Ellen village130055.629391-6.188011 Map 
Port Talbot town3727651.595432-3.787263 Map 
Portgordon village84457.663494-3.016039 Map 
Porthcawl town1567251.479557-3.704070 Map 
Porthill village400053.034992-2.222996 Map 
Porthmadog town476452.925266-4.130193 Map 
Portknockie village122057.703468-2.858085 Map 
Portlethen town872057.060654-2.129664 Map 
Portree town248057.413052-6.194446 Map 
Portsmouth city19770050.803684-1.075614 Map 
Preston city11430053.758995-2.705162 Map 

Free maps of Great Britain. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Great Britain map excluding the Great Britain outline maps, town maps of Great Britain and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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