Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Kjøpsvik village[?]68.09700016.373468 Map 
Klepp Stasjon village[?]58.7729305.677939 Map 
Kleppe village[?]58.7742275.629244 Map 
Kleppestø village[?]60.4090425.226210 Map 
Kleppstad village[?]68.25523414.272613 Map 
Klett village[?]63.32428010.302857 Map 
Klo village[?]68.98371115.177477 Map 
Klokkarvik village[?]60.2234345.153363 Map 
Klokkermoen village[?]60.41439411.029819 Map 
Klæbu village[?]63.29828310.482300 Map 
Kløfta village[?]60.07527211.136768 Map 
Knapper village[?]60.46846411.621800 Map 
Knappskog village[?]60.3827215.055605 Map 
Knapstad village[?]59.62183811.031591 Map 
Knarvik village426560.5466425.287918 Map 
Kodal village[?]59.21462210.138310 Map 
Kolbjørnsvik village[?]58.4521758.768259 Map 
Kolbu village[?]60.64902510.743204 Map 
Kolltveit village[?]60.3553435.084880 Map 
Kolvereid town[?]64.86462411.598880 Map 
Komagvær village[?]70.24369030.525686 Map 
Kongsberg town2458059.6693199.651510 Map 
Kongshavn village[?]58.4862108.863447 Map 
Kongsvik village[?]68.56543016.277081 Map 
Kongsvinger town1736160.18667212.005030 Map 

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