Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Vetås village[?]60.5919465.181243 Map 
Vevelstadåsen village[?]59.75908710.845930 Map 
Vierli village[?]59.7470178.169999 Map 
Vigeland village137458.0829247.301724 Map 
Viggja village[?]63.3459219.996405 Map 
Vigrestad village[?]58.5694855.690343 Map 
Vik village[?]60.4534845.617077 Map 
Vik village[?]59.4069145.247885 Map 
Vik village[?]59.3542486.217766 Map 
Vik village[?]65.31089812.172339 Map 
Vike village[?]60.6986015.585264 Map 
Vikebukt village[?]62.6154147.148502 Map 
Vikebygd village[?]59.5938115.591554 Map 
Vikedal village[?]59.4966165.904134 Map 
Viker village[?]60.44929510.037249 Map 
Vikersund village[?]59.9656079.993936 Map 
Vikeså village[?]58.6317486.080010 Map 
Vikevåg village[?]59.0974545.698070 Map 
Vikhammer village[?]63.43715710.624603 Map 
Vikvarvet village[?]63.20727210.965271 Map 
Vikøyri village[?]61.0883796.583329 Map 
Vindenes village[?]60.4229935.000161 Map 
Vindstad village[?]67.95932013.005408 Map 
Vinje village[?]60.7917716.509194 Map 
Vinje village[?]68.62211614.450657 Map 

Free maps of Norway. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Norway map excluding the Norway outline maps, town maps of Norway and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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