Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
La Zarza village362138.817699-6.217575 Map 
La Zubia town1817037.119152-3.583631 Map 
Labastida/Bastida village137442.590382-2.792870 Map 
Láchar village250937.194080-3.833004 Map 
Lagartera village159539.907558-5.200138 Map 
Laguna de Duero town2211041.582809-4.721440 Map 
Laguna de Negrillos village109842.239731-5.661197 Map 
Lahiguera village187837.971012-3.991461 Map 
Lakuntza village121942.922218-2.022766 Map 
Lalín town1007542.661411-8.110976 Map 
Lanaja village106741.773048-0.326022 Map 
Lancha del Genil village132637.162846-3.556286 Map 
Landa village220043.376522-2.961048 Map 
Landete village129939.907330-1.369232 Map 
Langraiz Oka / Nanclares de la Oca village216142.817505-2.811815 Map 
Lanjarón village386136.919514-3.480100 Map 
Lantejuela village388237.353664-5.222606 Map 
Lardero town811842.427685-2.462745 Map 
Laredo townCantabriaCantabria1162343.410629-3.417300 Map 
Larrabetzu village150043.260948-2.795985 Map 
Larraga village213742.558052-1.849973 Map 
Las Cabezas de San Juan townAndalucíaSevilla1467236.980671-5.940669 Map 
Las Mesas village256339.387997-2.764524 Map 
Las Navas de la Concepción village174337.932861-5.465180 Map 
Las Navas del Marqués village564740.603802-4.327896 Map 

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