Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Quambatook village213-35.850052143.520859 Map 
Queanbeyan city37991-35.353886149.232315 Map 
Queenscliff town3880-38.267113144.661301 Map 
Ravensthorpe town290-33.581345120.047348 Map 
Redridge village614-25.177149152.344910 Map 
Rhyll village539-38.464222145.308121 Map 
Rockhampton city61724-23.378250150.513443 Map 
Rockingham town125114-32.285191115.742653 Map 
Rosedale village448-24.629429151.914444 Map 
Roxby Downs town4055-30.565258136.894180 Map 
Santa Teresa village555-24.129253134.373016 Map 
Seymour town6370-37.024155145.136246 Map 
Shepparton city29553-36.381073145.399323 Map 
Smith's Beach village225-38.501724145.257050 Map 
South Kolan village1161-24.931646152.169174 Map 
Southern Cross town638-31.228271119.327782 Map 
Southport village355-12.722728130.948486 Map 
Springwood town8437-33.701759150.565552 Map 
St Andrews village406-37.602718145.272873 Map 
St Leonards town2000-38.170757144.718277 Map 
Stanthorpe town4955-28.655994151.933823 Map 
Strathmerton village941-35.925301145.481476 Map 
Sunbury town33062-37.579693144.729523 Map 
Sunrise Beach village3424-26.416199153.107712 Map 
Sunset Strip village338-38.496010145.268417 Map 

Free maps of Australia. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Australia map excluding the Australia outline maps, town maps of Australia and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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