Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Canberra city396100-35.297592149.101273 Map 
Cape Jervis village300-35.606171138.105347 Map 
Cape Paterson village718-38.671722145.616089 Map 
Cape Woolamai village1549-38.531258145.335770 Map 
Capel town2020-33.551250115.561523 Map 
Cardigan Village village506-37.516171143.708435 Map 
Carnamah town298-29.688999115.884933 Map 
Carnarvon town4426-24.882612113.657646 Map 
Carrickalinga village439-35.424034138.324402 Map 
Casino town9629-28.863161153.048157 Map 
Castaways Beach village617-26.435802153.104309 Map 
Cervantes town527-30.501741115.065994 Map 
Cessnock city20261-32.831669151.351105 Map 
Charleville town4700-26.406265146.242035 Map 
Charters Towers city8234-20.071409146.270981 Map 
Chatswood town21194-33.794479151.181854 Map 
Chidlow village856-31.859594116.268745 Map 
Clackline town310-31.720470116.518204 Map 
Cleve town738-33.702415136.494766 Map 
Clyde village465-38.132633145.329041 Map 
Cobargo village638-36.388008149.888504 Map 
Cobram town6018-35.919777145.648438 Map 
Coffs Harbour city68486-30.296242153.113525 Map 
Coldstream village2403-37.729099145.378418 Map 
Collie town7192-33.359123116.153618 Map 

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