Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Denmark town2558-34.964653117.359146 Map 
Derby town3325-17.303190123.628723 Map 
Devonport city29051-41.179756146.361298 Map 
Docker River village297-24.875252129.082275 Map 
Dongara town1380-29.250813114.931404 Map 
Donnybrook town2520-33.577377115.825127 Map 
Dowerin town378-31.195543117.031265 Map 
Drysdale town10927-38.172829144.571075 Map 
Dubbo city38808-32.247894148.602646 Map 
Dunsborough town6039-33.614655115.106590 Map 
Dwellingup town375-32.711651116.068031 Map 
Elliott town355-17.555857133.543411 Map 
Elliston town377-33.649979134.890259 Map 
Esperance town10421-33.858227121.893158 Map 
Exmouth town2486-21.932440114.125809 Map 
Fairhaven village354-38.466423144.082825 Map 
Faulconbridge town3990-33.700562150.535599 Map 
Fingal Bay village1500-32.747044152.168762 Map 
Fitzroy Crossing town1141-18.191332125.570526 Map 
Forster town13116-32.182083152.513123 Map 
Frankland River town367-34.360733117.080177 Map 
Fremantle town8211-32.055870115.746170 Map 
Garfield village1466-38.089867145.676224 Map 
Gawler city20537-34.597332138.744888 Map 
Geelong city143921-38.149281144.359833 Map 

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