Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Gembrook village942-37.952759145.550278 Map 
Geraldton city38634-28.770350114.614716 Map 
Geurie village454-32.397598148.827927 Map 
Gidgegannup town2743-31.793226116.196030 Map 
Gilgandra town2900-31.711973148.663223 Map 
Gingin town852-31.344124115.907654 Map 
Girraween village1596-12.524085131.092499 Map 
Gladstone city32073-23.843172151.256134 Map 
Gold Coast city555608-28.002373153.414597 Map 
Goomalling town521-31.299700116.828514 Map 
Gordon village378-37.581211144.107895 Map 
Gosford city304753-33.425018151.341736 Map 
Goulburn town21484-34.752388149.719803 Map 
Gracetown town237-33.864677114.988159 Map 
Grafton city18359-29.691250152.933350 Map 
Greenbushes village362-33.849422116.059586 Map 
Greendale village536-37.561172144.298904 Map 
Griffith city17900-34.287079146.055099 Map 
Gympie city17285-26.190044152.660019 Map 
Halls Creek village1211-18.224855127.668335 Map 
Harrogate town319-34.950356139.012955 Map 
Harvey town2750-33.080650115.898422 Map 
Hay town2636-34.509258144.842484 Map 
Hermannsburg village625-23.942768132.779465 Map 
Hervey Bay city52230-25.298578152.853516 Map 

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