Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia Beginning with B

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bacchus Marsh town14913-37.675190144.436615 Map 
Bakers Hill town722-31.747826116.458801 Map 
Balgo town460-20.142645127.984657 Map 
Balingup town268-33.786076115.983162 Map 
Ballan town2045-37.599552144.226791 Map 
Ballarat city103815-37.562263143.860718 Map 
Ballina town7875-28.863464153.561966 Map 
Bannockburn town3512-38.047054144.174194 Map 
Barunga village319-14.525003132.864792 Map 
Batchelor town481-13.046805131.028351 Map 
Batemans Bay town12000-35.707218150.178284 Map 
Batesford village738-38.090809144.283127 Map 
Bathurst city32479-33.416637149.580490 Map 
Beaudesert town5388-27.988562152.996124 Map 
Beeac village224-38.194561143.639633 Map 
Bees Creek village1000-12.555285131.059113 Map 
Bellbrae village1338-38.330822144.262085 Map 
Belyuen village213-12.539410130.700745 Map 
Benalla town10331-36.548969145.988358 Map 
Bencubbin town242-30.811239117.860489 Map 
Bendigo city86510-36.758877144.282593 Map 
Beverley town924-32.107685116.925629 Map 
Biggenden town944-25.510500152.045807 Map 
Bindoon town1183-31.385437116.096870 Map 
Blacktown town301099-33.764214150.904907 Map 

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