Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia Beginning with K

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Kalbarri town1349-27.710999114.163818 Map 
Kalgoorlie city29875-30.746414121.473221 Map 
Kalkarindji town544-17.447037130.833466 Map 
Kambalda East town750-31.201820121.660194 Map 
Kambalda West town1789-31.211180121.623070 Map 
Karoonda town520-35.093849139.896255 Map 
Karratha city15828-20.737007116.847862 Map 
Karumba town518-17.487608140.840408 Map 
Katanning town3702-33.690868117.555183 Map 
Katoomba town8016-33.713760150.312164 Map 
Kellerberrin town875-31.633093117.723328 Map 
Kelmscott town10462-32.116402116.016304 Map 
Kendenup town386-34.485420117.622887 Map 
Kerang town3780-35.733837143.920410 Map 
Kiama town6272-34.671886150.855438 Map 
Killarney town773-28.335390152.295731 Map 
Kilmore town6678-37.292271144.951035 Map 
Kimba town636-33.140335136.416763 Map 
Kin Kin village546-26.263245152.875000 Map 
Kinglake village1062-37.532742145.341125 Map 
Kingscliff town6392-28.256666153.576111 Map 
Kintore village454-23.275906129.388184 Map 
Kirup town219-33.705826115.892731 Map 
Kiwirrkurra village216-22.815924127.764221 Map 
Kojonup town1165-33.834259117.159264 Map 

Free maps of Australia. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Australia map excluding the Australia outline maps, town maps of Australia and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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