Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia Beginning with M

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Maaroom village219-25.611345152.871796 Map 
Mackay city150000-21.141956149.186508 Map 
Maitland town61431-32.731667151.551117 Map 
Malmsbury village612-37.188766144.382782 Map 
Mandurah city80813-32.530251115.720879 Map 
Manjimup town4213-34.241028116.146301 Map 
Marcus Beach village753-26.466457153.098495 Map 
Margaret River town6392-33.953178115.076935 Map 
Maroochydore city47645-26.655651153.094666 Map 
Maryborough city21777-25.537582152.701920 Map 
Mataranka village252-14.927884133.069061 Map 
McMinns Lagoon village579-12.553920131.111557 Map 
Meander village18888-41.651821146.611633 Map 
Meckering town236-31.629440117.010078 Map 
Meekatharra town573-26.592564118.495705 Map 
Melbourne city4440300-37.814217144.963165 Map 
Melton town45624-37.683571144.582840 Map 
Meningie town940-35.689129139.336472 Map 
Merredin town2636-31.481333118.277908 Map 
Mildura city48691-34.184727142.162491 Map 
Mingenew town283-29.190611115.442589 Map 
Minnipa town253-32.853844135.154114 Map 
Minyerri village340-15.221620134.081894 Map 
Moculta village384-34.470833139.117828 Map 
Moora town1577-30.641630116.007637 Map 

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