Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia Beginning with W

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Wadeye town1627-14.241334129.520874 Map 
Wagait Beach village369-12.433712130.743271 Map 
Wagga Wagga city52042-35.115002147.367783 Map 
Wagin town1358-33.307606117.345337 Map 
Wallan town8504-37.413883144.977448 Map 
Wallington village1353-38.224342144.504715 Map 
Walpole town330-34.977749116.731773 Map 
Walwa village270-35.964027147.735703 Map 
Wandering town355-32.681862116.675339 Map 
Wangaratta city26814-36.356251146.323090 Map 
Wangary village289-34.551041135.478165 Map 
Warburton town576-26.135548126.578674 Map 
Warmun village210-17.029034128.212036 Map 
Warrnambool city29284-38.382626142.481415 Map 
Warwick city13376-28.216530152.031189 Map 
Welcome Creek village397-24.760105152.273453 Map 
Werribee South village654-37.973011144.691483 Map 
Weston Creek town22700-35.343395149.047791 Map 
Whyalla city22089-33.038208137.584351 Map 
Wickepin town279-32.779335117.500832 Map 
Wickham town1572-20.676014117.140083 Map 
Williams town411-33.030964116.880112 Map 
Willowra town272-21.246136132.613907 Map 
Wiluna village236-26.591911120.225334 Map 
Wimbledon Heights village389-38.480198145.234161 Map 

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