Free Maps of Australia

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Towns in Australia Beginning with Y

Table of towns in Australia

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Yallingup town1029-33.639526115.025955 Map 
Yamba town6032-29.440001153.359451 Map 
Yankalilla village319-35.458679138.350647 Map 
Yarralin village266-16.447824130.882065 Map 
Yarram village2168-38.561672146.675888 Map 
Yarroweyah village528-35.925827145.561111 Map 
York town2548-31.888903116.769150 Map 
Yuelamu village300-22.258221132.206116 Map 
Yuendumu village687-22.252745131.797821 Map 
Yulara town986-25.241011130.986938 Map 

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