Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bohars village337548.428822-4.515598 Map 
Boigny-sur-Bionne village216447.9231032.007860 Map 
Bois-Colombes town2928448.9148252.267489 Map 
Bois-d'Arcy town1369348.7998542.023607 Map 
Bois-Guillaume town1287249.4704781.120092 Map 
Bois-le-Roi village560048.4754792.693954 Map 
Boisset-et-Gaujac village239844.0494274.020175 Map 
Boisseuil village268845.7699741.330772 Map 
Boissise-le-Roi village357248.5231442.574564 Map 
Boissy-le-Châtel village311048.8268013.135700 Map 
Boissy-Saint-Léger town1670548.7498892.512105 Map 
Boissy-sous-Saint-Yon village373148.5486832.212500 Map 
Bolbec town1181249.5730970.473375 Map 
Bollène town1390044.2803884.748409 Map 
Bollwiller village359747.8585897.262765 Map 
Bompas village724642.7299692.934823 Map 
Bon-Encontre village609344.1856190.671810 Map 
Bonchamp-lès-Laval village584248.074699-0.699207 Map 
Bondoufle village929848.6149752.383537 Map 
Bondues town993050.7144173.100768 Map 
Bondy town5353048.9030992.482910 Map 
Bonne village277646.1671916.321625 Map 
Bonnétable village399448.1817250.431950 Map 
Bonneuil-Matours village204046.6815490.569572 Map 
Bonneuil-sur-Marne town1651348.7737122.486901 Map 

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