Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bruguières village496743.7277111.411126 Map 
Brumath village988048.7327777.709110 Map 
Brunoy town2537748.6954992.505200 Map 
Brunstatt village612547.7280437.325458 Map 
Bruyères village324848.2082486.720064 Map 
Bruyères-le-Châtel village318748.6001012.184420 Map 
Bruyères-sur-Oise village370049.1578372.327190 Map 
Bruz town1646548.023762-1.748888 Map 
Bry-sur-Marne town1562548.8394052.521626 Map 
Bubry village240047.965195-3.172368 Map 
Buc village531248.7719992.123930 Map 
Buchelay village234648.9793551.671653 Map 
Buhl village327547.9277537.188460 Map 
Buis-les-Baronnies village229144.2767875.274792 Map 
Bully village206945.8521464.583794 Map 
Bully-les-Mines town1233750.4464002.719890 Map 
Burbure village300050.5370182.465564 Map 
Bures-sur-Yvette village953548.6972202.163272 Map 
Bury village297149.3132782.343934 Map 
Busigny village255950.0382003.466120 Map 
Bussy-Saint-Georges town2334148.8421822.707349 Map 
Butry-sur-Oise village201049.0856702.197956 Map 
Buxerolles town1004746.6126750.362228 Map 
Buxy village218246.7133904.695059 Map 
Buzet-sur-Tarn village235143.7793311.632467 Map 

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