Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Balaruc-les-Bains village686843.4445003.679545 Map 
Balbigny village284045.8187224.183303 Map 
Baldersheim village256547.8007327.378094 Map 
Ballainvilliers village379548.6752132.294478 Map 
Ballan-Miré village810647.3413200.613132 Map 
Ballancourt-sur-Essonne village739948.5262152.385837 Map 
Balma town1347443.6112021.505872 Map 
Bandol village802843.1357735.752365 Map 
Bannalec village546947.932423-3.697760 Map 
Banyuls-sur-Mer village468642.4794083.127589 Map 
Bapaume village411550.1038552.849751 Map 
Bar-le-Duc town1589848.7736785.162155 Map 
Bar-sur-Aube village525948.2332044.705834 Map 
Bar-sur-Seine village323348.1099014.383060 Map 
Baraqueville village304144.2775762.432335 Map 
Barbazan-Debat village350043.1964720.117628 Map 
Barbentane village379143.8986054.747726 Map 
Barberaz village459845.5524105.939982 Map 
Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire village480045.470909-0.152829 Map 
Barby village330845.5706295.981122 Map 
Barcelonnette village270044.3862046.651355 Map 
Bardonnex village223446.1499146.105119 Map 
Barentin town1210849.5468330.950267 Map 
Barjols village304143.5581326.005680 Map 
Barlin village755150.4568372.617477 Map 

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