Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Barneville-Carteret village228349.377991-1.787047 Map 
Barr village683048.4088717.449281 Map 
Barsac village214144.604328-0.323435 Map 
Bartenheim village365647.6354907.476636 Map 
Basse-Goulaine village809147.215508-1.465204 Map 
Basse-Ham village225049.3868986.243833 Map 
Bassens village371745.5811045.939572 Map 
Bassens village689944.901497-0.516324 Map 
Bassussarry village240543.446434-1.514936 Map 
Bastelicaccia village328341.9237798.823870 Map 
Bastia town4300842.7065519.452542 Map 
Batz-sur-Mer village307147.279541-2.481202 Map 
Baud village601047.875877-3.019936 Map 
Baugé village368147.542274-0.104083 Map 
Baule village204347.8104591.670550 Map 
Baume-les-Dames village520047.3526736.361462 Map 
Bauvin village526550.5191002.893530 Map 
Bavans village357347.4831286.729747 Map 
Bavay village351650.2978863.794929 Map 
Bavilliers village492347.6220706.834759 Map 
Bayeux town1322249.276051-0.702289 Map 
Bayonne town4490043.493340-1.475099 Map 
Bazas village471544.432045-0.212601 Map 
Baziège village318943.4552001.613120 Map 
Beaucaire town1594643.8085444.639265 Map 

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