Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Beautiran village218044.704441-0.451139 Map 
Beautor village271949.6516693.345556 Map 
Beauvais town5418949.4408992.086670 Map 
Beauval village214550.1036992.331320 Map 
Beauvoir-sur-Mer village390446.916946-2.041397 Map 
Beauvois-en-Cambrésis village214350.1405913.379411 Map 
Beauvoisin village374143.7189334.323399 Map 
Beauzac village276245.2593464.099266 Map 
Beauzelle village517943.6689001.373020 Map 
Bécon-les-Granits village268747.503445-0.801220 Map 
Bédarieux village645343.6155133.157614 Map 
Bédarrides village517344.0407454.898297 Map 
Bédée village399748.179996-1.944808 Map 
Bédoin village320744.1240395.180656 Map 
Bégard village470748.629864-3.300787 Map 
Bègles town2491344.807457-0.548854 Map 
Behren-lès-Forbach village819349.1744126.935539 Map 
Belbeuf village201149.3880771.142825 Map 
Belfort town5007847.6379596.862894 Map 
Belgentier village242443.2452516.000292 Map 
Belin-Béliet village437944.492977-0.790759 Map 
Bellac town431746.1208921.050258 Map 
Bellegarde village628243.7577934.515871 Map 
Bellegarde-sur-Valserine town1179046.1085555.825930 Map 
Bellerive-sur-Allier village861746.1156233.406400 Map 

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