Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with B

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bertrange village260749.3118406.188136 Map 
Bertry village221050.0822983.441140 Map 
Besançon city11691447.2379536.024325 Map 
Besné village264647.397160-2.092126 Map 
Bessan village458543.3606803.426336 Map 
Bessancourt village699449.0372772.213629 Map 
Bessé-sur-Braye village232247.8346560.752554 Map 
Besse-sur-Issole village291843.3494306.177027 Map 
Bessèges village310644.2887764.106442 Map 
Bessenay village225145.7762264.553360 Map 
Bessières village325343.8002321.607663 Map 
Bessines-sur-Gartempe village281846.1091001.368593 Map 
Bétheny village644549.2845384.053513 Map 
Béthisy-Saint-Pierre village328749.3054012.803200 Map 
Bethoncourt village597147.5333446.798485 Map 
Béthune town2565550.5199012.647810 Map 
Betschdorf village406348.8974807.906568 Map 
Betton town1013748.181713-1.641490 Map 
Beuvrages village665250.3881993.507370 Map 
Beuvry village881750.5337182.686479 Map 
Beuvry-la-Forêt village273750.4593393.286450 Map 
Beuzeville village417849.3449210.343721 Map 
Beynes village767848.8558811.873515 Map 
Beynost village447545.8400125.000887 Map 
Béziers town7100043.3412783.216620 Map 

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