Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur town996947.2977105.138222 Map 
Chevilly village250048.0304911.871753 Map 
Chevilly-Larue town1849848.7681922.362482 Map 
Chevreuse village580148.7079702.040801 Map 
Chevry-Cossigny village372148.7244452.661709 Map 
Chilly-Mazarin town1848448.7073482.310239 Map 
Chinon town789447.1667180.240210 Map 
Chirens village219745.4137995.556610 Map 
Chocques village300050.5391852.569606 Map 
Choisy-au-Bac village336349.4396172.877442 Map 
Choisy-le-Roi town4090548.7644622.417073 Map 
Cholet town5409847.061729-0.880135 Map 
Chomérac village284944.7084124.661536 Map 
Chorges village259944.5450866.275456 Map 
Chouzé-sur-Loire village207147.2439000.109958 Map 
Chuzelles village205245.5858004.875140 Map 
Ciboure village682443.384399-1.667624 Map 
Cinq-Mars-la-Pile village336947.3482170.454003 Map 
Cintegabelle village262543.3141061.531351 Map 
Cires-lès-Mello village353549.2732092.358722 Map 
Ciry-le-Noble village238046.6063314.298979 Map 
Cissé village257146.6463580.227928 Map 
Civray village286646.1508410.295012 Map 
Claira village361042.7601552.955606 Map 
Clairac village245144.3601040.375571 Map 

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