Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Clairoix village211649.4410512.844261 Map 
Claix village753845.1200415.672901 Map 
Clamart town5254648.8003692.263029 Map 
Clamecy village424847.4597513.518873 Map 
Clapiers village520043.6567233.886861 Map 
Clarensac village382043.8262414.218418 Map 
Claye-Souilly town1102648.9460872.688370 Map 
Cléder village382448.661266-4.103968 Map 
Cléguer village330647.854877-3.382630 Map 
Cléguérec village291548.128201-3.059140 Map 
Cléon village560649.3142131.032934 Map 
Clérieux village204045.0766304.958780 Map 
Clermont town1057349.3817832.407912 Map 
Clermont-Ferrand city13986045.7774543.081943 Map 
Clermont-l'Hérault village801843.6263203.430241 Map 
Cléry-Saint-André village325547.8212391.756933 Map 
Clichy town5891648.9025992.305510 Map 
Clichy-sous-Bois town2975048.9109382.546072 Map 
Clisson village677847.087723-1.281742 Map 
Clohars-Carnoët village405747.795521-3.582615 Map 
Clouange village390749.2622576.098520 Map 
Cloyes-sur-le-Loir village260047.9935991.220050 Map 
Cluny village463846.4339144.657571 Map 
Cluses town1740846.0603296.580419 Map 
Coarraze village211043.169304-0.231353 Map 

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