Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Comines town1237250.7490013.014700 Map 
Commelle-Vernay village280045.9920014.059410 Map 
Commentry village665146.2901042.743980 Map 
Commequiers village302146.763611-1.835833 Map 
Commercy town640048.7624055.587310 Map 
Communay village400645.6043284.832471 Map 
Compiègne town4051749.4179502.826317 Map 
Concarneau town1904847.875702-3.922389 Map 
Conches-en-Ouche village499348.9621730.941191 Map 
Condat-sur-Vienne village469245.7937551.231575 Map 
Condé-sur-l'Escaut town973150.4517483.589941 Map 
Condé-sur-Noireau village542248.849552-0.551449 Map 
Condé-sur-Sarthe village220248.4325370.034101 Map 
Condé-sur-Vire village333149.052074-1.037915 Map 
Condette village257550.6489981.642110 Map 
Condom town701243.9564550.374593 Map 
Condrieu village383145.4624294.767620 Map 
Conflans-en-Jarnisy village241349.1664815.856432 Map 
Conflans-Sainte-Honorine town3538049.0003012.101780 Map 
Confolens village271146.0150220.672893 Map 
Connerré village292648.0604590.493392 Map 
Conques-sur-Orbiel village233443.2696762.401660 Map 
Contes village701043.8119547.314620 Map 
Contres village342047.4172481.426283 Map 
Contrexéville village338948.1879085.894623 Map 

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