Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Crossac village273947.411194-2.170716 Map 
Crouy village262149.4025003.360000 Map 
Crozon village780948.246399-4.489446 Map 
Cruas village274044.6571314.762564 Map 
Cruseilles village385946.0336656.108846 Map 
Cubzac-les-Ponts village206744.971119-0.454723 Map 
Cucq village516750.4880981.614880 Map 
Cuers village1024643.2372096.072772 Map 
Cugand village326947.063663-1.255043 Map 
Cuges-les-Pins village487343.2748185.701466 Map 
Cugnaux town1580743.5369951.345754 Map 
Cuincy village662650.3735013.031040 Map 
Cuise-la-Motte village217249.3875433.003106 Map 
Culoz village290945.8476525.780906 Map 
Cusset town1337046.1324233.460274 Map 
Custines village295048.7926296.143399 Map 
Cuverville village205149.190556-0.262500 Map 
Cuxac-d'Aude village425343.2434772.999307 Map 
Cysoing village456350.5647013.209420 Map 

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