Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Cappelle-la-Grande village817350.9966132.368975 Map 
Caraman village235743.5292631.760080 Map 
Carantec village318948.668358-3.914280 Map 
Carbon-Blanc village688544.893772-0.505030 Map 
Carbonne village520543.2958151.225069 Map 
Carcans village219045.079624-1.043959 Map 
Carcassonne town4741943.2130362.349107 Map 
Carcès village333243.4760066.182613 Map 
Carentan village606349.303291-1.246344 Map 
Carentoir village276147.816967-2.134701 Map 
Carhaix-Plouguer village771748.276501-3.571148 Map 
Carignan village310749.6319855.168250 Map 
Carignan-de-Bordeaux village368944.813190-0.475034 Map 
Carling village365549.1675996.714770 Map 
Carnac village429547.583664-3.079443 Map 
Carnoules village324143.3024866.189861 Map 
Carnoux-en-Provence village686243.2583015.565550 Map 
Caromb village317744.1111265.107849 Map 
Carpentras town2927844.0555005.048752 Map 
Carpiquet village237449.186203-0.442506 Map 
Carquefou town1780547.297199-1.492123 Map 
Carqueiranne village988643.0910076.076693 Map 
Carrières-sous-Poissy town1523448.9427682.032472 Map 
Carrières-sur-Seine town1545048.9134102.177908 Map 
Carros town1150843.7845997.187850 Map 

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