Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Carry-le-Rouet village635543.3316425.152298 Map 
Carvin town1710050.4934162.957752 Map 
Cassel village220050.8001592.486388 Map 
Casseneuil village233544.4429860.620716 Map 
Cassis village779343.2140355.539632 Map 
Casson village208947.386028-1.558695 Map 
Castanet-Tolosan village1103343.5172161.498080 Map 
Castelculier village231544.1744840.691161 Map 
Castelginest village874543.6929241.428154 Map 
Casteljaloux village476144.3144490.087886 Map 
Castelmaurou village375143.6777531.532529 Map 
Castelnau-d'Estrétefonds village560043.7825091.359089 Map 
Castelnau-de-Médoc village372845.027271-0.799001 Map 
Castelnau-le-Lez town1500043.6393173.913331 Map 
Castelnaudary town1175343.3192021.953350 Map 
Castelsarrasin town1274044.0395161.107287 Map 
Castillon-la-Bataille village304544.853333-0.045087 Map 
Castres town4231443.6036802.241795 Map 
Castres-Gironde village210844.696438-0.445060 Map 
Castries village575243.6778643.986888 Map 
Cattenom village266049.4073566.245356 Map 
Cauchy-à-la-Tour village297350.5031052.452113 Map 
Caudan village691847.810810-3.340444 Map 
Caudebec-en-Caux village230049.5253640.724685 Map 
Caudebec-lès-Elbeuf village978849.2813991.026110 Map 

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