Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Cesson-Sévigné town1521948.122368-1.595594 Map 
Cessy village399246.3168306.069741 Map 
Cestas town1640944.736618-0.659575 Map 
Ceyrat village530045.7328993.066882 Map 
Ceyreste village411243.2183765.639197 Map 
Ceyzériat village273846.1773955.324294 Map 
Cézac village233745.090530-0.420330 Map 
Chabeuil village669044.9003605.018707 Map 
Chablis village233847.8152083.800166 Map 
Chabris village279047.2527121.651426 Map 
Chadrac village267145.0610433.904392 Map 
Chagny village557246.9105804.752346 Map 
Chailles village253747.5402491.310037 Map 
Chaingy village353147.8908001.775398 Map 
Chalamont village232245.9979255.170145 Map 
Châlette-sur-Loing town1305048.0164992.736360 Map 
Chaligny village308648.6256526.080393 Map 
Chalindrey village258747.8043295.427036 Map 
Challans town1868646.847942-1.877379 Map 
Challes-les-Eaux village508745.5491685.982697 Map 
Chalon-sur-Saône town4498546.7888984.852960 Map 
Chalonnes-sur-Loire village649247.351620-0.763110 Map 
Châlons-en-Champagne town4529948.9566234.362885 Map 
Chamalières town1708145.7732013.061150 Map 
Chambéry town5734245.5662655.920364 Map 

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