Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with C

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Chancelade village412644.8143012.480326 Map 
Chancelade village422745.2063900.666111 Map 
Changé villagePays de la Loire616447.9875110.283928 Map 
Changé village550948.099735-0.787177 Map 
Chaniers village345345.718037-0.557895 Map 
Chanteheux village200948.5989766.527207 Map 
Chanteloup-en-Brie village212148.8555792.739551 Map 
Chanteloup-les-Vignes village962648.9784392.030236 Map 
Chantepie town1003448.087303-1.619187 Map 
Chantilly town1087649.1939582.463257 Map 
Chantonnay village830846.686813-1.050551 Map 
Chantraine village314348.1680346.435884 Map 
Chapareillan village274745.4622005.989530 Map 
Chaponnay village369545.6274344.934520 Map 
Chaponost village797845.7107014.746916 Map 
Charbonnières-les-Bains village469845.7787024.745900 Map 
Charenton-le-Pont town2934848.8218992.407070 Map 
Charleval village248143.7194905.244987 Map 
Charleville-Mézières town4943349.7599374.718693 Map 
Charlieu village370046.1588064.171489 Map 
Charly village442145.6493804.794901 Map 
Charly-sur-Marne village250048.9792793.283597 Map 
Charmes village462748.3725406.293386 Map 
Charmes-sur-Rhône village241144.8620994.834240 Map 
Charnay-lès-Mâcon village682746.3047984.782820 Map 

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