Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with D

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Douarnenez town1491248.094444-4.331124 Map 
Doubs village259746.9275216.348608 Map 
Douchy-les-Mines town1042550.2988893.390916 Map 
Doudeville village256849.7229350.783589 Map 
Doué-la-Fontaine village751847.193794-0.276192 Map 
Doullens village671750.1565172.344053 Map 
Dourdan town998448.5309682.010899 Map 
Dourges village561950.4368552.988050 Map 
Doussard village355145.7761046.220023 Map 
Douvaine village497246.3058016.301233 Map 
Douvres-la-Délivrande village495949.297264-0.377502 Map 
Douvrin village497850.5101932.831813 Map 
Draguignan town3664843.5398456.465580 Map 
Drancy town6641048.9229812.445520 Map 
Drap village438543.7556117.320152 Map 
Draveil town2849148.6786992.421200 Map 
Drémil-Lafage village247343.5978011.603183 Map 
Dreux town3520048.7359121.371049 Map 
Drocourt village298350.3910222.924464 Map 
Drumettaz-Clarafond village238445.6596985.919770 Map 
Drusenheim village505248.7600827.952731 Map 
Ducey village247848.617226-1.289439 Map 
Duclair village416849.4825630.875497 Map 
Dugny village1065648.9538152.414733 Map 
Dun-sur-Auron village444046.8853492.569698 Map 

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