Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with H

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Houplines village760050.6913072.917800 Map 
Houppeville village253149.5120471.080576 Map 
Hourtin village323545.186157-1.057533 Map 
Hoymille village319250.9724012.452590 Map 
Huisseau-sur-Cosson village219347.5909541.455741 Map 
Hulluch village308850.4868472.813421 Map 
Huningue village666447.5919917.584471 Map 
Huriel village255646.3733252.477798 Map 
Hussigny-Godbrange village339049.4936685.868033 Map 
Huttenheim village252448.3589827.580719 Map 
Hyères town5460043.1202586.130161 Map 
Hœnheim town1049548.6250507.755286 Map 
Hœrdt village444048.6976137.784654 Map 

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