Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with I

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Issoire town1401245.5432973.250221 Map 
Issou village453948.9880941.792473 Map 
Issoudun town1309046.9477961.988803 Map 
Issy-les-Moulineaux town6435548.8250502.273457 Map 
Istres town4254443.5139054.988432 Map 
Iteuil village286046.4887920.311377 Map 
Ittenheim village212248.6056987.592601 Map 
Itteville village657548.5145072.341843 Map 
Itxassou village203243.333454-1.409074 Map 
Ivry-la-Bataille village255648.8857991.446540 Map 
Ivry-sur-Seine town5773248.8122292.387253 Map 
Iwuy village320050.2309953.323145 Map 
Izeaux village211145.3326575.428568 Map 
Izernore village227846.2205665.555109 Map 
Izon village537044.920139-0.363000 Map 

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