Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
La Garenne-Colombes town2770048.9069372.246575 Map 
La Garnache village449346.891388-1.829722 Map 
La Gaubretière village296946.942776-1.064793 Map 
La Gaude village682143.7228207.150331 Map 
La Glacerie village550149.608173-1.572257 Map 
La Gorgue village595650.6372602.713401 Map 
La Grand-Combe village516344.2124904.031485 Map 
La Grand-Croix village507045.5040024.559710 Map 
La Grande-Motte village844043.5602914.086014 Map 
La Grande-Paroisse village259148.3865662.903547 Map 
La Guerche-de-Bretagne village425547.942635-1.231454 Map 
La Guerche-sur-l'Aubois village333946.9536022.944650 Map 
La Guyonnière village270646.966389-1.248611 Map 
La Haie-Fouassière village435847.154682-1.400072 Map 
La Jarne village241846.128613-1.072778 Map 
La Jarrie village274446.128380-1.009272 Map 
La Lande-de-Fronsac village239344.981873-0.379771 Map 
La Limouzinière village213946.993488-1.597054 Map 
La Londe village227149.3007770.955127 Map 
La Londe-les-Maures town987043.1381306.235535 Map 
La Longueville village220050.2956243.866519 Map 
La Loupe village380048.4737011.025210 Map 
La Machine village352746.8899083.465838 Map 
La Madeleine town2244250.6565443.067816 Map 
La Mailleraye-sur-Seine village206349.4812160.771682 Map 

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