Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with L

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
La Tour-de-Salvagny village370945.8129394.716389 Map 
La Tour-du-Crieu village267143.1038061.653709 Map 
La Tour-du-Pin village797545.5666205.442405 Map 
La Tranche-sur-Mer village272846.344009-1.438054 Map 
La Tremblade village460045.768799-1.142069 Map 
La Trinité town1033243.7453007.340610 Map 
La Tronche village623245.2090155.745715 Map 
La Turballe village458247.346867-2.508007 Map 
La Turbie village318043.7437027.397501 Map 
La Valette-du-Var town2070043.1378255.983465 Map 
La Verpillière village641145.6328355.147311 Map 
La Verrie village374746.961945-0.993889 Map 
La Verrière village599348.7555271.955470 Map 
La Ville-aux-Dames village496647.3943140.768844 Map 
La Ville-Dieu-du-Temple village284544.0363041.218731 Map 
La Ville-du-Bois village713848.6610762.268789 Map 
La Voulte-sur-Rhône village504144.8004004.782660 Map 
La Wantzenau village590248.6589057.829303 Map 
Labaroche village228648.1098677.194208 Map 
Labarthe-sur-Lèze village487143.4524351.400508 Map 
Labastide-Saint-Pierre village368043.9188881.367200 Map 
Labastidette village214643.4627041.247098 Map 
Labège village386143.5292821.529972 Map 
Labenne village480343.597698-1.428110 Map 
Labouheyre village259244.212543-0.918995 Map 

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