Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Marœuil village250650.3232572.705497 Map 
Masevaux village332947.7749486.995827 Map 
Masnières village262650.1154593.208480 Map 
Masny village436150.3498273.203535 Map 
Massieux village242845.9067994.824100 Map 
Massy town4225848.7277982.273670 Map 
Matha village216645.867676-0.319200 Map 
Mathay village215147.4353526.781397 Map 
Maubeuge town3104650.2785573.974378 Map 
Maubourguet village246243.4656980.043272 Map 
Mauguio town1630743.6154824.009837 Map 
Maule village580048.9079591.850536 Map 
Mauléon village817246.922794-0.750181 Map 
Mauléon-Licharre village321843.223297-0.888524 Map 
Maulévrier village318047.007183-0.745357 Map 
Maure-de-Bretagne village320347.897583-1.994816 Map 
Maurecourt village430248.9975172.062523 Map 
Maureillas-las-Illas village264942.4896582.805406 Map 
Maurepas town1867948.7618751.945148 Map 
Mauriac town420045.2178312.331882 Map 
Mauron village328448.082970-2.285074 Map 
Maurs village240044.7107352.198364 Map 
Maussane-les-Alpilles village213243.7210464.805511 Map 
Mauves-sur-Loire village303347.295425-1.393575 Map 
Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon village280046.195751-0.670941 Map 

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