Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with M

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Maxéville village956148.7119066.164131 Map 
Mayenne town1329948.304420-0.617987 Map 
Mayet village319147.7604290.274540 Map 
Mazamet town999543.4902312.376436 Map 
Mazan village579244.0565955.128108 Map 
Mazé village481147.455429-0.272453 Map 
Mazères village370743.2504121.684825 Map 
Mazingarbe village749650.4712182.716807 Map 
Meaux town5075548.9589162.896486 Map 
Médis village273945.641800-0.960398 Map 
Megève village370545.8569496.616988 Map 
Mehun-sur-Yèvre village682047.1462142.221438 Map 
Melesse village557748.217583-1.696240 Map 
Melgven village330447.906361-3.834937 Map 
Mellac village262347.903996-3.577588 Map 
Melle town365746.221996-0.143208 Map 
Melun town3958948.5353812.659200 Map 
Mende town1214044.5180243.499106 Map 
Mennecy town1339548.5666662.434704 Map 
Menton town2910043.7751397.496625 Map 
Menucourt village528749.0276151.981588 Map 
Méounes-lès-Montrieux village200143.2812395.970272 Map 
Mer village611547.7083631.506271 Map 
Mercurol village216845.0763024.890510 Map 
Mercury village284145.6753466.336013 Map 

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