Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with P

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Peyrins village242445.0922555.047774 Map 
Peyrolles-en-Provence village468243.6465645.583616 Map 
Peyruis village266744.0300295.940892 Map 
Pézenas village825143.4611783.422832 Map 
Pézilla-la-Rivière village316742.6940002.769349 Map 
Pfaffenhoffen village273548.8442047.611492 Map 
Pfastatt village895747.7697457.302507 Map 
Phalempin village445750.5172163.018038 Map 
Phalsbourg village473648.7670977.258621 Map 
Pia village761742.7452742.919158 Map 
Pibrac village809143.6189121.283737 Map 
Piennes village246949.3085565.784623 Map 
Pierre-Bénite village998245.7028314.824132 Map 
Pierrefeu-du-Var village554843.2266086.143387 Map 
Pierrefitte-sur-Seine town2788348.9621472.360834 Map 
Pierrelatte town1302644.3778464.697661 Map 
Pierrelaye village795849.0242732.146492 Map 
Pierres village240048.5902521.566782 Map 
Pierrevert village368243.8118785.749258 Map 
Pignan village636643.5823633.762259 Map 
Pignans village335743.3023196.229509 Map 
Pineuilh village441744.8302270.226681 Map 
Pins-Justaret village445443.4815751.384798 Map 
Pinsaguel village260043.5099951.388468 Map 
Piolenc village500644.1786194.762829 Map 

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