Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Saint-Maixent-l'École village748346.409687-0.201934 Map 
Saint-Malo town4634248.645454-2.015418 Map 
Saint-Malo-de-Guersac village321247.351612-2.177278 Map 
Saint-Mammès village317948.3887022.807564 Map 
Saint-Mandé town2239648.8419192.417228 Map 
Saint-Mandrier-sur-Mer village575043.0760995.926580 Map 
Saint-Marcel village581246.7759444.887564 Map 
Saint-Marcel village490949.0984121.454725 Map 
Saint-Marcel-d'Ardèche village240144.3269004.616422 Map 
Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence village529344.9711954.954248 Map 
Saint-Marcellin town806245.1541485.320014 Map 
Saint-Marcellin-en-Forez village421345.4879004.172020 Map 
Saint-Mard village379849.0379982.695980 Map 
Saint-Mars-d'Outillé village223747.8706860.332254 Map 
Saint-Mars-de-Coutais village250547.113159-1.733422 Map 
Saint-Mars-du-Désert village402747.366722-1.405157 Map 
Saint-Mars-la-Brière village247048.0224990.377860 Map 
Saint-Mars-la-Jaille village244547.524506-1.183380 Map 
Saint-Martin-au-Laërt village372950.7555012.230880 Map 
Saint-Martin-Bellevue village244545.9632536.139761 Map 
Saint-Martin-Boulogne town1123050.7229041.646774 Map 
Saint-Martin-d'Auxigny village217647.2041212.417518 Map 
Saint-Martin-d'Hères town3617745.1840745.753902 Map 
Saint-Martin-d'Uriage village544645.1507235.838308 Map 
Saint-Martin-de-Belleville village254345.3787546.503876 Map 

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