Free Maps of France

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Towns in France Beginning with S

Table of towns in France

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Sorbiers village771745.4875494.450787 Map 
Sorède village300942.5304032.956454 Map 
Sorgues town1804644.0066414.872502 Map 
Sorigny village220347.2411540.698180 Map 
Sospel village352743.8775867.448500 Map 
Sotteville-lès-Rouen town2883549.4151541.089746 Map 
Soual village230843.5545042.114877 Map 
Soubise village290945.926109-1.007778 Map 
Soucelles village262047.568268-0.419730 Map 
Souchez village252350.3890002.743160 Map 
Soucieu-en-Jarrest village376945.6779794.703689 Map 
Soudan village201547.737637-1.306941 Map 
Soues village300543.2053990.099197 Map 
Souffelweyersheim village742548.6355297.741630 Map 
Soufflenheim village491848.8306057.963689 Map 
Souillac village381744.8980181.469430 Map 
Soulac-sur-Mer village264545.513149-1.122879 Map 
Soullans village408846.796665-1.898611 Map 
Soultz-Haut-Rhin village726747.8870207.228804 Map 
Soultz-sous-Forêts village293948.9372447.883460 Map 
Soultzmatt village231347.9625177.238869 Map 
Souppes-sur-Loing village553148.1868062.742667 Map 
Sourdeval village278248.724140-0.922657 Map 
Soustons village729443.750790-1.329550 Map 
Soyaux village956145.6413000.193151 Map 

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