Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Fluorn-Winzeln village324148.2934578.492762 Map 
Flöha town1150150.85035313.077232 Map 
Flörsbachtal village259550.1208009.437500 Map 
Flörsheim am Main town1999550.0167248.423698 Map 
Flörsheim-Dalsheim village320349.6587568.207901 Map 
Fockbek village633054.3065499.606684 Map 
Forbach village558948.6790398.359492 Map 
Forchheim town3039649.71871211.059642 Map 
Forchtenberg town500449.2889189.560800 Map 
Forst village783649.1526538.584651 Map 
Forst (Lausitz) town2170051.74385814.645539 Map 
Forstern village334548.18404411.976712 Map 
Forstinning village337648.16820111.912430 Map 
Frankenberg (Eder) town1889451.0605478.794836 Map 
Frankenberg/Sa. town1729950.91103713.033102 Map 
Frankenhardt village472149.0833029.983330 Map 
Frankenthal (Pfalz) town4700249.5445798.354006 Map 
Frankfurt (Oder) town6196952.34122814.549452 Map 
Frankfurt am Main city68777550.1106538.682093 Map 
Frasdorf village300047.80265412.281904 Map 
Frauenau village291848.98962413.300987 Map 
Frauenstein town342550.80112513.536411 Map 
Fraunberg village341848.36879311.992569 Map 
Fraureuth village593850.70121812.351129 Map 
Frechen town4865450.9096226.808193 Map 

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