Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with B

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Bad Breisig town902450.5092897.298057 Map 
Bad Brückenau town721750.3099179.789494 Map 
Bad Buchau town407048.0641759.610666 Map 
Bad Camberg town1430250.2996038.267312 Map 
Bad Colberg-Heldburg town235050.28089110.744827 Map 
Bad Ditzenbach village375548.5874949.703285 Map 
Bad Doberan town1144654.10585811.902606 Map 
Bad Driburg town1964351.7366459.017501 Map 
Bad Düben town906551.59116412.585643 Map 
Bad Dürkheim town1883049.4632958.170506 Map 
Bad Dürrenberg town1153451.30000312.066698 Map 
Bad Dürrheim town1267448.0222328.529984 Map 
Bad Eilsen town235352.2407049.099768 Map 
Bad Ems town945250.3352057.712854 Map 
Bad Emstal village639051.2435689.260245 Map 
Bad Endbach town864950.7517668.494500 Map 
Bad Endorf town782647.90641012.301370 Map 
Bad Essen town1566852.3197338.343663 Map 
Bad Fallingbostel town1180852.8654489.693020 Map 
Bad Feilnbach town719947.77458612.007080 Map 
Bad Frankenhausen/Kyffhäuser town913251.35596811.100537 Map 
Bad Freienwalde (Oder) town981852.78622114.035425 Map 
Bad Friedrichshall town1861549.2300769.212604 Map 
Bad Gandersheim town1250051.87047210.029784 Map 
Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel town627750.85829913.950000 Map 

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