Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with F

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Freudental village238849.0097059.059162 Map 
Freyburg (Unstrut) town441451.21262011.769696 Map 
Freystadt town858949.19906211.329682 Map 
Freyung town695248.80995913.549193 Map 
Frickenhausen village884948.5935139.360360 Map 
Frickingen village272147.8133819.272847 Map 
Fridingen an der Donau village329148.0186818.930631 Map 
Fridolfing village416448.00070612.823411 Map 
Friedberg town2936448.35480910.983654 Map 
Friedberg (Hessen) town2754350.3364728.754573 Map 
Friedeburg town1035653.4529007.840160 Map 
Friedenweiler village205847.9170768.256173 Map 
Friedewald village243250.8831259.858066 Map 
Friedland town307752.10545014.264118 Map 
Friedland town717253.67160013.548765 Map 
Friedrichroda town750050.86080210.563437 Map 
Friedrichsdorf town2452550.2556578.651186 Map 
Friedrichsfehn village435453.1239098.090448 Map 
Friedrichshafen town5928647.6505709.479753 Map 
Friedrichskoog village252254.0072868.884123 Map 
Friedrichstadt village246854.3759999.089772 Map 
Friedrichsthal town1157249.3218777.096420 Map 
Frielendorf village815250.9731649.325193 Map 
Friesack town290452.73952512.578264 Map 
Friesenheim village1265348.3734867.882329 Map 

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