Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with K

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Klingenmünster village232749.1395458.018758 Map 
Klipphausen village617151.07495913.529355 Map 
Klosterlechfeld village251548.15880610.830976 Map 
Klostermansfeld town277251.58415211.493339 Map 
Klütz town310053.96686911.165668 Map 
Klötze town536952.62764711.165058 Map 
Knesebeck village300052.67894410.702649 Map 
Knetzgau village657949.99425110.545458 Map 
Knittlingen village765649.0247578.759699 Map 
Knüllwald village497350.9771009.486460 Map 
Kobern-Gondorf village337050.3017437.459073 Map 
Koblenz city10668150.3533297.594395 Map 
Kochel a. See village420747.65311111.363190 Map 
Kodersdorf village271551.24051314.890363 Map 
Kohlberg village230948.5573209.334037 Map 
Kohren-Sahlis town317651.01918812.605238 Map 
Kolbermoor town1779247.85566312.059579 Map 
Kolitzheim village554449.91933410.235435 Map 
Kolkwitz village1022551.74903914.244854 Map 
Kollnburg village288749.04803512.860458 Map 
Konnersreuth village200350.01085712.226563 Map 
Konradsreuth village356550.26899711.845764 Map 
Konstanz town7964547.6592189.175072 Map 
Konz town1778249.6991966.573793 Map 
Korb village1044048.8428999.361303 Map 

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