Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with L

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Lenningen village863548.5526019.469327 Map 
Lensahn town504354.22083310.885971 Map 
Lentföhrden village228953.8739859.886260 Map 
Lenting village480248.81001311.456921 Map 
Lenzen (Elbe) town231353.09080111.474862 Map 
Lenzkirch town511447.8682028.202278 Map 
Leonberg town4553548.7997479.012757 Map 
Leopoldshöhe village1635352.0125248.698743 Map 
Letschin village533252.64367314.361763 Map 
Leubsdorf village407250.79941613.165074 Map 
Leun town601050.5502828.357356 Map 
Leuna town697751.32336412.019508 Map 
Leutenbach village1080148.8882039.392641 Map 
Leutenberg town262750.56369811.455710 Map 
Leutersdorf village438950.95283114.652758 Map 
Leutershausen town564249.29928210.411775 Map 
Leutkirch town2240147.82661410.022803 Map 
Leverkusen city16160151.0324756.988119 Map 
Liblar town1290050.8122756.817390 Map 
Lich town1355750.5201118.819820 Map 
Lichtenau village508148.7251408.007246 Map 
Lichtenau village815950.90830212.991694 Map 
Lichtenau town1115951.6166998.899998 Map 
Lichtenau village380349.28051410.683635 Map 
Lichtenberg/Erzgeb. village308750.84275413.406729 Map 

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