Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with O

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Ohrwege village218253.1812747.973164 Map 
Olbernhau town1140550.65640313.345242 Map 
Olbersdorf village625050.87007114.763123 Map 
Olching town2425148.20368611.331156 Map 
Oldenburg city16030053.1389738.214602 Map 
Oldenburg in Holstein town970054.29225510.880980 Map 
Oldendorf village278753.5885209.253742 Map 
Oldisleben village231051.31054711.164687 Map 
Olpe town2564451.0297587.842419 Map 
Olsberg town1493151.3551488.489339 Map 
Opfenbach village220747.6280829.835194 Map 
Oppach village312951.05847514.504946 Map 
Oppenau town505048.4751668.164668 Map 
Oppenheim village686349.8527608.354856 Map 
Oppenweiler town413648.9844869.460930 Map 
Oranienbaum village349351.79909512.405858 Map 
Oranienbaum-Wörlitz town888251.80393212.414394 Map 
Oranienburg town4105552.75293713.245759 Map 
Ormesheim village285049.1977017.144519 Map 
Orscholz village360149.5070846.530406 Map 
Orsoy village370051.5244486.686508 Map 
Ortenberg village326148.4483157.970211 Map 
Ortenberg town922250.3535779.053754 Map 
Ortenburg village730748.54452913.225646 Map 
Ortrand town240051.37612913.757697 Map 

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