Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with P

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Peißenberg town1254447.79658511.067071 Map 
Pemfling village225849.26534312.613080 Map 
Penig town844750.93318212.707585 Map 
Penkun town205053.30229614.241430 Map 
Pentling village561948.98177712.057986 Map 
Penzberg town1609247.75185011.376301 Map 
Penzing village370948.07342910.926742 Map 
Penzlin town256753.50556913.084326 Map 
Perl village658549.4749576.387451 Map 
Perleberg town1360653.07627111.862793 Map 
Perlesreut village298148.78049913.439610 Map 
Pesch village238051.1853146.529454 Map 
Petersaurach village507449.31139810.746229 Map 
Petersberg village1487850.5602239.712342 Map 
Petersfehn I village313953.1387448.111780 Map 
Petershagen town2699052.3756648.966837 Map 
Petershagen/Eggersdorf village1219752.52956413.815398 Map 
Petershausen village598248.40879111.469861 Map 
Pettendorf village327549.05827712.006399 Map 
Petting village233647.91346712.814442 Map 
Pfaffenhofen village237049.0641598.975396 Map 
Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm town2360948.53010211.505014 Map 
Pfaffenhofen an der Roth village711248.35523610.159417 Map 
Pfaffenrot village240048.8623288.461296 Map 
Pfaffenweiler village259247.9373257.753589 Map 

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