Free Maps of Germany

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Towns in Germany Beginning with W

Table of towns in Germany

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Wiesloch town2612249.2942588.698707 Map 
Wietmarschen village1067952.5182767.132966 Map 
Wietze village824852.6554579.834401 Map 
Wietzen village226352.7108929.072959 Map 
Wietzendorf village395052.9184349.978096 Map 
Wiggensbach village467047.74522010.231407 Map 
Wilburgstetten village215249.02615010.392936 Map 
Wildau village984252.32144213.634874 Map 
Wildberg town994148.6226698.748436 Map 
Wildeck town496450.95123710.033624 Map 
Wildeck, Hessen village520450.9501239.983310 Map 
Wildenfels town408950.66370812.606970 Map 
Wildeshausen town1771752.8971028.436434 Map 
Wildflecken village325750.3768659.908430 Map 
Wildpoldsried village253547.76668210.401926 Map 
Wilhelmsdorf village486047.8651209.425377 Map 
Wilhelmsfeld village334249.4676288.758444 Map 
Wilhelmshaven town8200053.5278788.106301 Map 
Wilhelmsthal village411650.31064211.375657 Map 
Wilhermsdorf village507549.48214310.720019 Map 
Wilkau-Haßlau town1159550.67505312.511561 Map 
Willich town5184651.2641456.544696 Map 
Willingen (Upland) town658851.2953268.609706 Map 
Willingshausen town529450.8499989.200000 Map 
Willmering village219349.24715012.669618 Map 

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