Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Sauda village[?]59.6502536.354372 Map 
Sauland village[?]59.6141098.944076 Map 
Saursfjord village[?]67.79217515.054020 Map 
Segalstad bru village94661.22766110.221021 Map 
Seida village[?]70.22959928.177357 Map 
Seim village[?]60.6139645.274172 Map 
Selbu village[?]63.21566011.033129 Map 
Selbustrand village[?]63.24886310.951817 Map 
Seljord village[?]59.4823078.628072 Map 
Selstad village[?]66.82115913.810267 Map 
Selsøyvik village[?]66.57515712.983001 Map 
Selva village[?]63.6140829.714834 Map 
Selåsvatn village[?]58.6917348.729220 Map 
Senjahopen village[?]69.48887617.485733 Map 
Sennesvik village[?]68.11186213.706810 Map 
Sentrum village[?]58.9997375.618273 Map 
Setermoen village[?]68.86151118.346392 Map 
Settem village[?]63.0209738.378955 Map 
Siggerud village[?]59.79159910.886126 Map 
Silsand village[?]69.24472017.941740 Map 
Singsås village[?]62.94152510.651963 Map 
Singsås village[?]62.95601710.728403 Map 
Sirevåg village[?]58.5033115.799718 Map 
Sirinesset village[?]67.94871515.591127 Map 
Sistranda village[?]63.7307178.830974 Map 

Free maps of Norway. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Norway map excluding the Norway outline maps, town maps of Norway and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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