Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway Beginning with S

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Songdalen village548358.1567807.819331 Map 
Songe village[?]58.6852269.004777 Map 
Sortland town998368.70542115.414362 Map 
Spangereid village46558.0456777.143375 Map 
Sparbu village[?]63.91940311.436638 Map 
Spetalen village[?]59.29698610.767603 Map 
Spikkestad village[?]59.74432410.340048 Map 
Spjeld village[?]60.3878335.039700 Map 
Spongdal village[?]63.35563310.166325 Map 
Spydeberg village[?]59.61459011.088152 Map 
Stabbestad village[?]58.8502739.401112 Map 
Stadsbygd village[?]63.50707610.007266 Map 
Stai village[?]61.49441511.067523 Map 
Stakkestad village[?]59.4470415.393429 Map 
Stamnes village[?]60.6644175.748445 Map 
Stamsund village[?]68.13222513.843751 Map 
Stange village[?]60.71812111.191354 Map 
Stanghelle village78360.5527615.735686 Map 
Stangvik village[?]62.9177478.461148 Map 
Starhellinga village[?]60.72655511.264580 Map 
Starum village[?]60.69242110.904064 Map 
Stathelle village[?]59.0460099.697930 Map 
Stavanger city12930058.9680445.732472 Map 
Stave village[?]69.21776615.860154 Map 
Stavern town300058.99850110.035942 Map 

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