Free Maps of Norway

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Towns in Norway Beginning with S

Table of towns in Norway

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Strandvik village[?]60.1588945.665281 Map 
Straume village[?]68.68856814.481112 Map 
Straumen village[?]63.87225311.298040 Map 
Straumen village[?]67.35040315.594954 Map 
Straumfjorden village[?]67.92574315.553718 Map 
Straumfjordnes village[?]69.86689021.220537 Map 
Straumsbukta village[?]69.56242418.676912 Map 
Straumsjøen village[?]68.69500014.472254 Map 
Strengelvåg village[?]68.96047215.180108 Map 
Strengereid village[?]58.5264058.886437 Map 
Stryn village[?]61.9032976.719401 Map 
Strømmen village[?]59.94501111.006727 Map 
Strømsfoss village[?]59.30101811.661107 Map 
Stugudalen village[?]62.90992711.894775 Map 
Stårheim village[?]61.9188275.761196 Map 
Stølsvik village[?]59.7621735.792692 Map 
Støren village[?]63.03495410.291837 Map 
Sula village[?]63.8452158.458613 Map 
Sulitjelma village[?]67.13778716.046015 Map 
Sund village[?]68.11724113.487024 Map 
Sundbyfoss village[?]59.51293210.125831 Map 
Sunde village[?]63.4961329.180619 Map 
Sunde village[?]59.8338205.712386 Map 
Sunndalsøra village[?]62.6750308.563095 Map 
Surnadalsøra village[?]62.9706278.662853 Map 

Free maps of Norway. All maps on this site are copyright "Free country maps" unless they contain the CC-BY_SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap watermark. The maps cannot be displayed on any other website this includes the topographical maps and any other Norway map excluding the Norway outline maps, town maps of Norway and the road maps which can be freely copied, modified and used according to openstreetmaps terms of service.

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