Free Maps of Spain

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Towns in Spain

Table of towns in Spain

Town NameTypeRegionProvince / StateCountyMunicipalityPopulationLatitudeLongitude 
Carranque villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo380840.170258-3.900033 Map 
Carrión de Calatrava villageCastilla-La ManchaCiudad Real293739.018013-3.817325 Map 
Carrión de los Céspedes villageAndalucíaSevilla251137.368130-6.329420 Map 
Carrión de los Condes village223242.338539-4.601713 Map 
Carrizo de la Ribera village149542.584827-5.828548 Map 
Cartagena city21824437.626785-1.000618 Map 
Cártama town711636.711250-4.630572 Map 
Cartaya townAndalucíaHuelva1790537.283161-7.154930 Map 
Cartes villageCantabriaCantabria123943.324638-4.069000 Map 
Casalarreina village137342.547955-2.911078 Map 
Casanueva village149737.256802-3.792888 Map 
Casar de Cáceres villageExtremaduraCáceres487939.561478-6.417124 Map 
Casarabonela village272336.786118-4.841567 Map 
Casares village265236.443348-5.272886 Map 
Casariche village509537.295555-4.759137 Map 
Casarrubios del Monte villageCastilla-La ManchaToledo309340.185101-4.037311 Map 
Casarrubuelos villageComunidad de MadridMadrid315040.170780-3.830853 Map 
Casas de Benítez village103739.362560-2.129632 Map 
Casas de Don Pedro village167439.105648-5.330846 Map 
Casas de Fernando Alonso village150339.349140-2.325203 Map 
Casas de Juan Núñez village141039.102047-1.557013 Map 
Casasimarro village336139.394642-2.038554 Map 
Casatejada villageExtremaduraCáceres135439.886173-5.682211 Map 
Casavieja village156840.281418-4.767533 Map 
Cascante village399941.999454-1.678988 Map 

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